We wanted to do a quick update for drivers looking to apply for their PCO licence (Private Hire Licence). TfL are still only processing PCO renewal applications for existing drivers.
All new applications are still not being accepted. This is due to Covid-19 and TfL having to operate with a reduced number of staff. This has been the case since the first National Lockdown in March 2020. TfL have also stated that this will be the case until further notice.
We asked TfL as to when applications will reopen, they said they do not have a date. This causes further uncertainty for people looking to become private hire drivers in London. Especially at a time where they may be looking to get their private hire licence as a backup option to use to find work once the pandemic starts coming near to an end.
With regards to what services, we can or cannot offer at the moment, see the list below.
New PCO Applications: Were getting lots of requests for these but our hands are tied as TfL are now even giving access to applications online or sending out forms.
PCO Renewal: We can help you process your PCO renewal. If you need help with this, please fill out a booking form. (All our services can now be done remotely, so you will not need to risk coming into contact with anyone)
PCO Medical: TfL have made it very clear; you must use your own GP. Using any other private doctor will just be a waste of your time and money as you will need to redo the medical form.
Enhanced CRB DBS Check: Yes, we can still help you process your CRB. Which you need for PCO renewal. Remember you need an Enhance CRB, which must be done via Online Disclosure services as required by TfL. Please do not use any other company, as you will be wasting your time and money.
TfL English Test: This requirement has been changed to 30th September 2021. If you do need to take your TfL English test, this is a great time to study for it. Trinity SELT test centres remain open through the National Lockdown. If you need study material, you can purchase the Trinity SELT Book Here.
Topographical Training: We can still provide remote topographical training. However, as no new applications are being accepted, it is probably best to wait until u have your application processed and topographical test booked.
Topographical Test: All centres are closed due to the National Lockdown and will remain closed until the government announces the end of the lockdown period.
If you have any questions about the Private Hire PCO Licence for London, you can always reach out to us and we will be happy to answer.
We hope everyone is getting by alright and staying safe, things will change for the positive soon!